
THEY THEM OKOCHA premieres in Frankfurt

April 12, 2024 Join us for the premiere of Bonn Park’s play on nostalgia and coming-of-age in a time of hightened anxiety and apocalyptic premonition – it’s also a ton of fun, featuring not only great scenography and costumes, but also Ralf Merten on piano. For this project I had the chance to delve deep into German romanticism which needless to say was a thrill. See you Friday!

Keine Namen, niemand

March 08, 2024 Very happy that my first feature length work for radio is this brilliant documentary/ radio-play by Annette Kufner. I worked over a period of several months with Annette and director Franziska Stuhr to find the right atmosphere and tone for this sensitive but also deeply chilling account of the goings-on in a little German town during the Nazi era.

KEINE SORGE (RELIGION) premieres at D’haus

October 20, 2023 Our new religion KEINE SORGE (don’t worry), celebrated its first mass today, written and directed by Bonn Park. Featuring a wonderful 30-piece choir and synth organ by Hajo Wiesemann, it was a treat for me to dive back into writing for choir. Come, all ye faithful, to Düsseldorf and check it out!

ARTHUR & DIANA premieres at Toronto International Film Festival

September 09, 2023 I am very proud to have contributed the music to Sara Summa’s second feature and thrilled to announce its premiere at TIFF this autumn! This film is one of a kind and gave me the chance to write, in true ecclectic road movie fashion, in many different styles as the protagonists make their way through the changing land- and city scapes of Europe.

ALLES IST AUS, ABER WIR HABEN JA UNS (UNTERWASSER) premieres at Volkstheater Munich

January 27, 2023 For this musical underwater rom-com populated by mermaids and a giant octopus, we put together a stellar band made up of harp (Sonja Lachenmayr), marimba (Patrick Stapleton), synth (Nino Stübinger) and contrabass (Akari Nomizu) for the perfect underwater sound. Written and directed by Bonn Park, this show marks our return to the fantastic Münchner Volkstheater. Thanks to everyone involved for a beautiful premiere!

DER PHÖNIX AUS DER WÄHRUNG premieres in Basel, Switzerland

September 16, 2022 Our baroque extravaganza at Theater Basel premieres this month, written and directed by Bonn Park, with luxurious stage design (Julia Nussbaumer) and opulent costumes (Sina Manthey). I had great fun writing baroque music with a contemporary twist, expertly executed by our consort of six baroque musicians led by cembalist Louise Acabo.

Our space opera ‘Rückkehr zu den Sternen’ premieres in Düsseldorf!

March 2, 2022 Our operatic hommage to Spock and co. ‘Rückkehr zu den Sternen’ (Return to the stars) premieres this month at Schauspielhaus Düsseldorf. Thanks to cast and crew, and especially the players from Robert Schumann Hochschule conducted by Felix Koltun and Javier Alvarez!

GYMNASIUM premieres in Munich

October 17, 2021 It was a great pleasure working with the extraordinary cast & team at Münchner Volkstheater to create our high school opera GYMNASIUM together with writer/director Bonn Park. I am especially happy to know that all my little notes are in the safe hands of the amazing players of the Munich Philharmonic orchestra academy and the singers of the Bavarian Landesjugendchor.

DIE RÄUBER DER HERZEN by Bonn Park premieres in Hamburg

September 30, 2021 Ever wonder what Ocean’s Eleven would look (and sound) like crossed with Schiller’s Die Räuber? Come and see at Schauspielhaus Hamburg. Having had to postpone the premiere several times due to pandemic restrictions, our baby Räuber der Herzen is finally going to see the light of day!

ICH ICH ICH by Zora Rux premieres in Zurich

September 29, 2021 Director Zora Rux’s feature ICH ICH ICH, for which I contributed some music, will celebrate its premiere at this year’s Zurich Film Festival!

Stand Up, My Beauty by Heidi Specogna premieres in Locarno

August 8, 2021 I had the great privilege of working with the amazing Ethiopian singer Nardos Tefsaw to arrange and record three songs for this beautiful documentary feature by Heidi Specogna. Happy to announce that it will premiere this year at the 74th Locarno Film Festival.

사랑 II (LIEBE 2/ LOVE 2) by Bonn Park premieres in Seoul

June 23, 2021 Our exploration of K-Pop and K-Drama culminates in tonight’s premiere at the National Theatre Company of Korea. It was a great pleasure to work with this theatre’s excellent team! 매우 감사합니다!!

JUGOJUGOSLAVIJA premieres in Belgrade

November 10, 2020
I’m thrilled to announce the premiere of Bonn Park’s Jugojugoslavija at the Belgrade Drama Theatre at 18.30 on 19 November 2020. Creating the music for this project was an unforgettable experience and gave me the chance to write to Serbian lyrics. Živela Jugojugoslavija!

“Oh the Places!” goes to Mexico

September 01, 2019
Very excited that my double concerto “Oh, the Places!” will be performed on 5 September in Mexico by the Orquesta Sinfónica de Chiapas under the direction of Armida Rivera with soloists Fernando Hashimoto and Roberto Hernández Soto! 7pm at the Teatro de la Ciudad Emilio Rabasa.

Interview for rbbKultur

August 09, 2019
I had a great time with Hans Ackermann from rbbKultur talking about the upcoming premiere of “Oh the Places!” and music in general – thanks, Hans! The result is a little radio feature which you can listen back to here.

“Oh, the Places!” premieres in Potsdam 10 August 2019

July 29, 2019
Very happy to announce that my concerto for marimba, vibraphone and orchestra will premiere in Potsdam on 10 Aug 2019. The open air concert will feature the
brilliant Ni Fan and Fernando Hashimoto on marimba and vibraphone respectively, playing with the Collegium Musicum Potsdam under the direction of Knut Andreas! For more info and tickets check!


June 25, 2019
Director Sara Summa and I met Nicolò Comotti from Radio FRED at this year’s Brussels International Film Festival. Check out our conversation about the process of making Gli Ultimi a Vederli Vivere.


January 17, 2019
Thrilled that our film GLI ULTIMI A VEDERLI VIVERE (The Last to See Them) has been selected to premiere at this year’s Berlinale Forum! Stay tuned for dates.


September 05, 2018
I am happy to announce the premiere of our opera “THREE BILLION SISTERS” (Drei Milliarden Schwestern ), at VOLKSBÜHNE Berlin on 12 October. Tickets are selling fast – so be faster!

Vermächtnisstudie Die Zeit

DIE ZEIT Vermächtnisstudie

September 30, 2017
On Tuesday 3 October its time for another premiere! Our shortfilm “Great Expectations” will be shown at Kino Babylon MItte at 18:15. The film was made incooperation with the DFA and showcases key topics of arecent study by DIE ZEIT on Germans’ attitudes to…well, everything. Come and join us!!

Award Ceremony in Rüsselsheim

June 05, 2017
At 10 o’clock coming Sunday (11.06.2017) it’s time for some choir music! I’m very happy that “Vorfrühling” will receive its first performance by the ensemble Cantaunus. Come join us in Rüsselsheim (Kirchgarten 6, 65428 Rüsselsheim)!

“Mes Amies” celebrates its team premiere!

February 27, 2017
Come and join us on Sunday 5 March at the Filmhaus, Potsdamer Str. 2, for the premiere of Sara Summa’s “Mes Amies” to which I conributed the song “Madame”!

Winner of the Hessian Choir Association’s Composing Competition

November 21, 2016
Very happy to announce that my piece “Vorfrühling” has been awarded the 1st and 2nd prizes of this year’s composing competition for choirby the Hessian Choir Association. Performances are scheduled for 11 June 2017 – more info to follow!

Deltas by Charlie Petersmann

April 18, 2016
Thrilled to have contributed some music to Charlie Petersmann’s excellent documentary “Deltas – Back to Shores” – catch it at the
Nyonfilm festival!

Vers l’Océan Team Screening

February 24, 2016
On 5 March we’re celebrating the premiere of “Vers l’Ocean”!! Come and join us at 2pm at Kino Arsenal.

Recording music for “Die Frohe Irrung / Zwei Telegramme”

February 11, 2016
We had a great time yesterday recording some pretty intensemusic by John Cage (One) for “Die Frohe Irrung / Zwei Telegramme” by Sommerauer / Rosinska / Minor / Medina. I’ve never felt better at the piano thanks to Felix Epp’s great engineering work at the UdK Studio! Looking forward to the premier of this wonderfully enigmatic shortfilm. Will keep you posted =)

Against common decency: life.

December 14, 2015
Our christmas movie “Contre les bonnes moeurs, la vie” is celebrating it’s premiere – twice! For early birds and the unemployed tomorrow at 10 am @ Filmkunst 66. For those who are busy during the day 12. December (Sa) 6.30 pm in the DFFB’s cinema (Filmhaus Potsdamer Platz). Come all ye (un)faithful!

Recording “Vers l’Ocean”

November 29, 2015
The music for “Vers l’Océan” is almost done – thanks to Svea Guémy and Lukas Backs at HfM Leipzig for their beautiful playing and studio expertise!

“Vers l’Océan”

October 09, 2015
I’m currently working on the score for Sara Summa’s beautiful shortfilm “Vers l’océan”, due topremiere in January 2016.

October 08, 2015
After much tinkering and nail-biting, this site is finally online! I’m happy to have James Fenwick’s original artwork as part of the page’s design – thanks James! So, take a look around and – if you like – tell me what you think on facebook or via email. Cheers!